Meeting of TC 250/SC7/WG3/Task Group 5 (Anchors) – Brussels 18th/19th June 2018

Over a demanding two-day period, members of TC 250/SC7/WG3/Task Group 5 met at the offices of the Belgian Building Research Institute in Lozenberg, Brussles to discuss aspects related to the most recent draft of the revised eurocode 7, Chapter 8 on anchors.


Members enjoy an evening meal after the first day of discussions.

From left to right: Mr Noel Huybrechts (Convenor of TG5, Belgium), Mr Ole Moller (Denmark), Dr Devon Mothersille (UK), Ms Eva Dornecker (Germany), Mr Klaus Dietz (Germany), Ms Ira Gutjahr (France) and Mr Adriaan Van Seters (Netherlands)