November 2020 has seen the publication of the new CIRIA report C794 entitled ‘Grouted anchors and soil nails: inspection, condition assessment and remediation’. This unique document fills a gap in the current literature, where there is limited guidance on this highly specialised area. It will undoubtedly assist asset owners, designers, contractors and others involved in the condition assessment, planning and execution of the works, including monitoring, maintenance, remediation, repair and replacement of grouted anchors and soil nail structures.
The drafting of C794 was a team effort. CIRIA awarded the contract for the work to the geotechnical engineering consultancy Gavin & Doherty Geosolutions Ltd (GDG). Following reviews from a project steering group, comprising some 20 individuals, GDG engaged the services of Mr Chris Irvin (Dywidag, UK) and Dr Devon Mothersille (Geoserve Global Ltd and Single Bore Multiple Anchor Ltd) for specialist input as technical authors.
The Covid-19 pandemic demanded that the launch event for C794 took place online, and this was judged successful with some 85 participants attending. The technical authors delivered four presentations covering the following:
- Introduction and background
- Grouted anchors: Condition assessment and remediation
- Grouted anchors: monitoring and maintenance
- Soil nails and soil nail structures
The presentations were followed by a question and answer session that allowed members of the audience to clarify points of interest and gain more detail on specific areas.